Pikniq, founded in 2013, has been the first and only gastronomic laboratory and cozy restaurant in Italy to serve wild plant-based food to 360°.
Pikniq recipes, handmade and cooked with as much as possible zero miles food biological raw materials, originate from our ancestors’ tradition and are newly rethought in a more modern fashion.
Our customers’ favorite ones have been published in the book La Cuoca Selvatica – Storie e Ricette per portare la Natura in Tavola, a landmark in Italy for the wild plant-based cooking enthusiasts.
Do you want to taste a wild experience and learn to identify wild plants, berries, roots, barks, plant bulbs, seaweeds?
Pikniq’s offer evolves and offers gourmet wild plant-based dishes, original recipes, naturally seasonal, also revisiting some of italian traditional dishes and made using ancient production techniques like fermentation.
Today Pikniq is a Bed & Breakfast with a home restaurant placed on the heart of Monte di Brianza, at a altitude of 710 m., in the old village Campsirago, and it offers:
- overnight stay and breakfast
- 360° advisory service on wild plant-based food;
- foraging theory and practical courses;
- plant-based cooking courses;
- phytotherapy courses (held by a qualified herbalist);
- courses for cosmetic making with wild herbs;
- natural food preservation courses and preparation of wild food courses.
Pikniq’s soul is Eleonora Matarrese: chef, forager, writer, touristic guide and translator.
For more information send us an email.